This September, we’re focusing on self-care, and I’m looking forward to regrouping, re-focusing and spending some time on me before we head into the holiday season. As an artist, a creative professional, and the mom of a toddler, I often feel depleted by the constant needs of my creative spirit, my work and my family. I look forward to carving some time out to learn something new for curiosity’s sake, continue to sit with some of the stillness I cultivated over the summer, and also make something that will give me a jump on holiday gifting.

This month we’re releasing a 6-part series of self-care apothecary classes taught by Arina Soler of BellaCreme. These classes are all about creating thoughtfully made products for your body and home. The processes are simple, the materials natural, and the end-result is something you can luxuriate in. These bath and body products also make beautiful gifts to encourage the folks in your life to take a little time for themselves.

Sometimes, the thing that feels the most restorative is to give something away. In our new Make to Give class, Twinkie Chan, Faith Hale and myself walk you through projects that are easy to make and excellent for charitable giving.

To end the month, we have a class with a new instructor, Dawn M. Cardona, that’s all about looking inward and making art. Dawn shares her techniques for creating a cut paper self-portrait that is both positive and playful.

September’s classes are all about reflecting, uplifting and replenishing YOU!