As a bookmaker, I love a reason to make a special kind of book and Valentine’s Day presents a truly irresistible motif: a heart. These …
Make Heart-Shaped Mini Books for Valentine’s Day

Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. Learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print, and more.
As a bookmaker, I love a reason to make a special kind of book and Valentine’s Day presents a truly irresistible motif: a heart. These …
The beloved Mary Oliver wrote: “Instructions for living a life. Pay attention, be astonished, talk about it.” Excellent advice to which I would add: pay …
Hopefully life is feeling more colorful this month. Generously share your daily color practice with others and ask them to suggest what you should paint …
How did your first week of foraging and capturing color go? Some days, when the light is right and the colors flow, are delightful. Other …
Let’s face it, after the tra la la of the holidays, January can be a bit dreary. Add to that the relentless hustle to improve/give …
by Liza Laird The New Year is known as a time for resolutions, which usually means setting intentions to grow in some way. I have …
by Faith Hale Making and crafting is how I show my love the best, but it’s easy for me to get bogged down in overly-ambitions …
By Cobrina, Artist Coach and Instructor Whether you’re making goodies to take to a party or a treat after dinner for one, it’s lovely to …
Handmade gifts always add an unmatched magic to the holiday season. DIY not only gives you the opportunity to make personalized gifts that your loved …
Hey there! I’m Vickie Howell, a multi-hyphenate creative type who you may best know from my patterns partnership with Creativebug. It is officially Fall and …