Spin your way into the new year with a handmade paper calendar wheel. Move the dial each month to see dates for the moon cycle, …
Make a Paper Calendar Wheel for the New Year

Creativebug – Craft Classes & Workshops – What will you make today?
Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. Learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print, and more.
Spin your way into the new year with a handmade paper calendar wheel. Move the dial each month to see dates for the moon cycle, …
Create a paper bouquet of flowers that you can make into a card, a poster, or gift to a loved one with this sweet little …
Spring gardens and spring organizing are on our minds with this Seed Pack Printable. Organize your seeds or any other tiny bits like beads, embroidery …
Hi, I‘m Cleo. You may recognize me from my Creativebug daily practice classes: Painting Repeat Patterns By Hand: A Daily Practice and Learn to Paint …
It’s no secret why everyone loves Hanukkah. You have eight days of yummy fried food, time together with family, and if you live in my …