Indigo has been used to dye textiles for thousands of years, traditionally using a fermented dye vat. Freshly harvested Japanese indigo, sometimes known as Dyer’s …
How to Dye with Indigo: Natural Homegrown Color

Creativebug – Craft Classes & Workshops – What will you make today?
Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. Learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print, and more.
Indigo has been used to dye textiles for thousands of years, traditionally using a fermented dye vat. Freshly harvested Japanese indigo, sometimes known as Dyer’s …
For the most haunted Halloween décor, use our free crochet spider web pattern to make your own spooky spider webs. They’re perfect accents for your …
This fun paper skeleton puppet for Halloween or El Dia De Los Muertos can be made quickly with a few extra supplies. Instead of sewing …
Transforming your outdated Baja hoodie pullover sweater into a stylish cardigan with pockets is a fun and easy DIY project. By following these step-by-step instructions, …
Our August Daily Practice, Love Letter Quilt Top with Heidi Parkes, inspired and led us through quilting for someone we loved. As a community we …
Mooncakes are a rich Chinese pastry that you traditionally eat to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Their round shape represents the roundness and fullness of the …
Back to school is an exciting time for kids and parents. Plus, it gives an excellent opportunity for lots of CRAFTING! Learn to DIY your …
In August we’re looking forward to going back to school with pencil boxes that can hold treats, school supplies, or even write. These oversized paper …
Happy International Friendship Day! A wonderful way to celebrate your friendships is to bring your favorite people together for creative time. While I normally find …
The team here at Creativebug is always busy prepping and producing amazing classes for you, but we’ve also been finding time to work on some …