Fall Kids Crafts – A Round Up!


5 fun fall crafts for the kids (and kids at heart)

The end of daylight savings time is right around the corner (November 3rd for those trying to ignore the warnings) which means less afterschool day light. Which means more time trying to occupy the littles who would otherwise be on the monkey bars.

Enter our favorite past time – kids crafts! We’ve rounded up 5 fun fall kids crafts from around the web that we think would be fun for both you AND your littlest family members and friends.

Fall Kids Crafts

  1. Go on a weekend nature walk and collect some bits and bobs for this fun Autumn Mobile. Hang it over the dining room table and watch your kids beam with pride at dinner time. – c/o Red Ted Art
  2. Who still has a dusty collection of grade school corn husk dolls? Pass on the tradition with Martha as she teaches  her expert Corn Husk Doll techniques. Oh Martha! – c/o Martha Stewart
  3. Cute and simple pumpkin shaped Rice Crispy Treats. Extra Credit: Pack them for lunch the next day and your kid will be the talk of the lunch yard. – c/o Lovebug Creations
  4. A great book for keeping kids creative every day of the year. Craft-a-Day by Sarah Goldschadt includes this leaf template which you can use for a bunch of multi media crafts. – c/o Rachel Ray Mag
  5. Stained Glass Pumpkins using coffee filters not waxed paper. Clever and great for Thanksgiving day decorations! – c/o I Can Teach My Child

What fall kids crafts are you planning on making this year? Whatever they are, we hope you have a safe and warm autumn crafting season!

xo – CBug

*Leaf art at the very tippy top of the post by Sabine Timm, via The Jour­nals of Giddy Giddy