DIY Scratch-Off Cards for Your New Year’s Resolutions

image of DIY scratch-off cards, on the left is a big card in blue ahnd green tones representing weeks of the year, and on the right is a small booklet with a similar grid to represent 1 week out of the year

Learn how to make your own scratch-off cards and start a new tradition for your New Year’s resolutions. Our printable art includes a small weekly booklet to keep track of your weekly wins and a 52-week chart for the whole year.

When you complete one day of your daily practice, scratch off a dot on your pocket-sized chart to reveal a gold star. Complete a whole week and you get to give yourself a gold star on the 52-week chart. What can you keep track of? Taking your vitamins, a daily or weekly artistic or writing project, chores, exercise, work tasks, you name it.


image of materials needed to make your own scratch off cards: print out o artwork, packing tape, acrylic paint, scissors, glue stick, paintbrush, dish for paint, liquid dishwashing soap
  • Printout the artwork PDF
  • Laminating material, either sheets or packing tape
  • Acrylic paint
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Soft paintbrush
  • Paint mixing container
  • Dishwashing liquid soap
  • Optional blow-dryer to speed up the drying time

How to Make Scratch Off Cards for the New Year

  1. Cut out the three pieces of artworkimages of 3 colorful pieces of paper with green checkerboard pattern and yellow stars to make your own scratch off cards
  2. Fold the two book pieces in half and score. Glue the book page inside the book cover with the stars on the inside right.
  3. Cover the weekly chart completely and the star page of the book with the packing tape or laminating sheet. You don’t need to cover the left page of the book so you can write notes there.
  4. Mix up a color of paint that you like. Add a little less than equal parts soap to the paint and mix to combine.
  5. Paint each circle, covering up the stars. Let dry or use the blowdryer.image of a dish of light blue paint and paint brush on the left and two pieces of printable art with green grids representing weeks of the year to make a scratcher card
  6. Use a coin to scratch off a dot when you complete a task and give yourself a star.

Cleo Papanikolas is a painter, author, and educator. Her daily practice classes on Creativebug are Painting Repeat Patterns By Hand: A Daily Practice and Learn to Paint with Gouache: A Daily Practice in Questions and Answers . You can find more of her printable crafts on her website, and while you are there, take a look at her Patreon scarf club.