DIY: Valentine's Day Embroidered Boxers

Valentine's Day Embroidered Boxers

Guest post by Blair Stocker of Wisecraft

I like Valentine’s day to be a little unexpected , a little fun. A simple reminder of how much I love my favorite people. And, well, I think that a pair of embroidered boxer shorts will put a smile on any Valentine’s face. I gave an embroidered pair of white boxers to my husband Peter many years ago and it’s one of the few Valentine gifts we actually still remember.

These are a cinch to make, so no need to panic, there’s plenty of time to make these before February 14!

Valentine’s Day Embroidered Boxers


Valentine's Day Embroidered Boxers

  • Boxers or briefs? Plaid or plain? (I usually prefer to upcycle my craft supplies, but in this case, definitely new.)
  • Frixion pen or water soluble marker
  • Embroidery floss
  • Needle

Step One

Using a Frixion pen (these marks will erase with the heat of an iron) or a water soluble pen, draw out all kinds of Valentine- inspired hearts, arrows, initials, and symbols of love.


Valentine's Day Embroidered Boxers

Step Two

Embroider with a simple back stitch (you could certainly get fancy with french knots and lazy daisies, but I fear the recipient may not notice). I used 3 strands of floss and the stitches showed up well.

Valentine's Day Embroidered BoxersStep Three

Iron the finished garment (or spritz with water) to remove pen marks, and they are ready for giving.

Valentine's Day Embroidered Boxers

Valentine's Day Embroidered Boxers

Valentine's Day Embroidered Boxers

Blair Stocker