As artists and creatives, we constantly collect materials and supplies. Many of our projects also leave piles of scraps and leftovers, whether bits of paper, …
Sustainable Crafting: 32 Earth-Friendly Projects

Creativebug – Craft Classes & Workshops – What will you make today?
Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. Learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print, and more.
As artists and creatives, we constantly collect materials and supplies. Many of our projects also leave piles of scraps and leftovers, whether bits of paper, …
Hey there! I’m Tyffany, graphic designer at Creativebug and an avid maker. I’m thrilled to share a few projects I have in the works this …
Join Heidi Parkes this October to sew so many circles in a month-long quilt-along! This event centers around Heidi’s class How to Appliqué Circles Three …
Transforming your outdated Baja hoodie pullover sweater into a stylish cardigan with pockets is a fun and easy DIY project. By following these step-by-step instructions, …
The team here at Creativebug is always busy prepping and producing amazing classes for you, but we’ve also been finding time to work on some …
Hi, it’s Katia from Luckyjuju. Since one of my favorite things about doll-making is the opportunity to play dress-up, I’m delighted to share a new …
Hello! I’m Sharon, a Yiddishe Momme[1] making everyday magic at home with my two boychiks[2]. We potschke[3] with crafts, tea parties, and nature. What we make is …
I tend to think about the act of naming a great deal from both sides—from the place of being named and also from the place …
You’re super excited to start a Creativebug sewing class. You’ve purchased all your fabric and notions, and you’re ready to print out your sewing pattern. …