DIY Father's Day Succulent Planter

DIY Father's Day Planter

It’s hard to believe we’re already into June, but here we are in the month of Dads and Grads! Father’s Day is always a bit of a challenge for me. My Dad’s birthday is the same weekend as Father’s Day and he doesn’t play golf as apparently every other father does according the the card aisle at Target. My dad does love antiques, and pretty much anything I make, so with that in mind, I’m bringing you a quick and sophisticated DIY that your dad and my dad will love!

DIY Planter Materials

Materials: Vintage trophy or other aged metal vessel, succulent, potting soil, printable message flag, coffee stirrer, glue stick, scissors.

Plant your succulent

Step 1 – Fill your trophy abut 3/4 full of potting soil. Gently break up the roots of your succulent and pot it into the trophy.

Select your Father's Day message

Step 2 – Print and cut out your chosen message. Glue flag to coffee stirrer to create your message pennant.

Step 3 – Present the succulent trophy to your award winning father!

DIY Father's Day Succulent Planter

If you are making multiple trophies (for your dads, or perhaps helping your children make them for their father), consider clustering a group of trophies in various sizes with varying succulents. I added a wee trophy by using an old sugar vessel that looks like a miniature trophy when grouped with the rest. Succulents don’t need to be watered often, and because these trophies don’t have drainage, allow then to dry out completely before re-watering. Happy Father’s Day!

A Collection of Father's Day Planters
