These paper fruits and vegetables would be fun in a fruit bowl or an autumn tablescape. Consider hanging them from a string to make a bunting or mobile. They also fold up nicely to tuck into a letter or card. Make five or more printouts of the artwork. You can see how the pomegranate looks with five or ten pieces and decide how many is best for you.

- Minimum of five copies of the fall foods printable PDF
- Glue stick
- Bone folder
- Scissors
How to Make Paper Fruits and Vegetables
- Cut out the fall foods leaving a bit of the shadow outline. This will give you a little wiggle room to trim spots where the edges don’t exactly match up.
- Fold each piece in half vertically with right sides together, matching up the outside edges, and burnish with the bone folder.
- Apply glue to one half of the white side of a picture. Match up the outside edges and then press the halves together.
- Repeat by gluing the next half to the next page or leaf. As you go around, open the pages behind so that the stacks are equal. Keep matching the outside edges and averaging the two halves so that when you get all the way around the last page matches the first.

Cleo Papanikolas is a painter, author, and educator. Her daily practice classes on Creativebug are Painting Repeat Patterns By Hand: A Daily Practice and Learn to Paint with Gouache: A Daily Practice in Questions and Answers . You can find more of her printable crafts on her website, and while you are there, take a look at her Patreon scarf club.