DIY Dog Accessories for a Pawsitively Perfect Wedding Celebration

Welcoming your furry friend to your wedding ceremony can add an extra layer of joy and love to your special day. To make sure your dog is dressed to impress, we’ve put together a guide on creating DIY dog accessories that are not only adorable but also personalized for your wedding theme. Let’s get crafting!

Embroidered Wedding Bandanas

Materials Needed:

  • Fabric in your chosen colors
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread
  • Iron
  • Pencil or erasable marker
  • Embroidery thread and needle


Watch the full video tutorial on our TikTok.

  1. Measure your dog from shoulder to shoulder and draft a bandana shape on a piece of paper.
  2. Trace the pattern onto the backside of your chosen fabrics flipping it at the flat edge to create an irregular diamond-like shape and cut out the shape.
  3. Iron the fabric along the edges to make sewing easier.

4. Sew along the edge seams of the bandana.
5. Freehand your chosen design on one side of the bandana about midway down. Popular choices include phrases like “Best Dog” or “Dog of Honor.”
6. Choose a contrasting color and embroider the letters using your preferred embroidery technique. Need inspiration? Check out Creativebug’s embroidery options here.
7. Fold the bandana in half and sew both sides together, leaving a gap at the top for the collar to fit through.

Tuxedo Bandana:

Materials Needed:

  • Fabric in two to three different colors
  • Interfacing
  • Sewing machine
  • Corresponding thread
  • Quilter’s ruler
  • Measuring tape
  • Rotary cutter/fabric scissors
  • Cutting mat
  • Iron
  • Ironing surface
  • Pins/clips
  • Fabric pen
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Buttons


First Piece of Fabric:

  1. Measure the chest of your dog— (Length) starting at the bottom of the neck and ending where the legs begin. (Width) shoulder to shoulder.
  2. Add 2” to the L and 1” to the W and cut the fabric to your dimensions
  3. Fold in half lengthwise and cut the bottom part of your fabric at a 45-degree angle using a quilter’s ruler.
  4. Fold and iron at a ¼” around the sides & bottom edges—no need to do the top edge. Pin if needed. Sew the edge.

For the Second Piece of Fabric:

  1. Keep the same L and subtract 2” from the W. Cut fabric to your dimensions.
  2. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise and cut the bottom at a 30-degree angle. You could also place this piece of fabric on top of the first piece and fold the bottom edges to the angle you’d like.
  3. If you eyed the angle, leave ¼” excess to finish the edge, then cut the remaining fabric.
  4. Fold and iron at a ¼” around the sides & bottom edges— no need to do the top edge.
  5. Align the bottom point of the second piece of fabric to the bottom point of the first and top stitch the second piece to the first.
  6. Measure two inches from the top of your bandana, fold, and iron. Sew the fold down.

Bow tie

  1. Annabel Wrigley’s class goes over how to make a bow tie beautifully. No need to do the collar.
  2. Place the bow tie on the bandana, playing around with the placement to what looks good to you.
  3. Pin and hand stitch the bow tie to the bandana. Make sure to only go through the bandana’s front layer of fabric so as not to close the space where the collar goes. Similarly, only stitch the back part of the bow tie, not the front so the stitches won’t show.


  1. Place the buttons where they look good to you and mark them with a pin.
  2. Sew on the buttons. Watch class here.

Head Bow


  • ½” Elastic
  • Fabric
  • Measuring tape
  • Quilter’s ruler
  • Rotary cutter / fabric scissors
  • Cutting mat
  • Iron
  • Ironing surface
  • Pins / clips
  • Safety pin
  • Sewing machine
  • Coordinating thread
  • Needle
  • Thread


  1. You can watch Annabel Wrigley’s class on how to make a sweet little bow. I skipped the interfacing aspect for this project and I also made two rectangles for the bow so there would be 4 wings instead of 2. No need to do the collar


  1. Measure the circumference of your dog’s head and subtract ½”.
  2. Cut the elastic to this size.


  1. Using the measurement of your dog’s head, add 1” to the length. Width is 2”. Cut your fabric.
  2. Fold one end of the fabric ¼”, iron, and sew.
  3. Fold the fabric right sides facing and sew the long edge at a ¼” seam allowance.
  4. Use a safety pin and turn right side out.
  5. Use a safety pin and feed elastic through the fabric.
  6. Scrunch the fabric so you can see both ends of the elastic. Overlap the elastic by ¼”, make sure there are no twists, and sew using a zig-zag stitch. Go back and forth a few times to ensure it will hold.
  7. Smooth out the fabric and feed the unfinished edge inside the finished edge about ¼”. Sew closed.
  8. Place the bow on top of the band opposite the seam, so the seam will be under the dog’s chin. Fold the bottom of the bow so that it sits nicely on top of the band. Pin and ensure that the bow stands up straight.
  9. Hand stitch the bottom of the bow to the band. Make sure to only go through the band’s front layer of fabric and try to avoid the elastic. Similarly, only stitch the bottom part of the bow so the stitches won’t show.

Other ideas to incorporate your dog into your big day: