Creativebug Weekend Project: #CWP Starts Today


Starting today, we’re launching a weekly Instagram contest: the Creativebug Weekend Project (CWP).

Here’s how it works:

  1. Every Friday, we’ll post to Instagram with the themed hashtag (#CWP + weekly theme).
  2. At some point over the weekend, post your own interpretation of that theme, including the hashtag #CWP and the weekend’s theme (i.e., #CWPspring) and #creativebug.
  3. On Monday, we’ll review the submissions and pick a winner.
  4. We’ll announce the winner on the blog and on Instagram each Tuesday – check back in to see if you won.
  5. The winner will receive one free month of Creativebug membership for you or a friend.

We’re launching the CWP hashtag with #CWPcozy – We can’t wait to see photos of your weekend DIYs and interpretations.