At Creativebug, our strongest belief is that daily practice is important. Whether you make a single sketch, sew a single stitch, or maybe even just watch a single minute of a how-to video, finding a little bit of time to feel creative is key to getting those artistic juices flowing. It can also be a way to better your skills, discover something new, or perhaps even get that inspiration you’ve been trying to track down.
Not surprisingly, many of us at Creativebug consider ourselves makers, each with our own interests — we knit in meetings, doodle all over our notebooks, and sew and paint on our lunch breaks. But we had never worked on a daily practice all together…until now!
As a company that preaches the importance of practicing daily, we decided to take on a daily practice challenge as a team and see what it feels like to make time for creativity in our busy days every day. On Tuesday, September 4th, we all sat down together to begin Lisa Congdon’s Daily Drawing Challe
The first day was a great experience — the whole team got together to watch and draw — but as the week went by we realized that our busy schedules make it difficult to sit down and draw together as a team each day. So on the second day, we each drew on our own and shared our creations in an email thread, which was equally as fun. So far, it’s been a great experience and we can’t recommend it enough! It is even more fun to get to see and compare the ways we each interpret the classes a little differently.
We challenge you to take on a daily practice with us and discover the benefits of taking five minutes for yourself each day. Or maybe do it with a friend and compare your drawings at the end! We promise that if you go at your own pace and keep at it, you’ll feel great at the end of the month. Don’t forget to tag us and #creativebugdailypractice !