by Sarah Kuntz Jones, Assistant Branch Manager, St. Louis County Library This may come as a surprise, but libraries have limited budgets. I’ll give you …
Making Backgrounds for Festive Papercrafts

Creativebug – Craft Classes & Workshops – What will you make today?
Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. Learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print, and more.
by Sarah Kuntz Jones, Assistant Branch Manager, St. Louis County Library This may come as a surprise, but libraries have limited budgets. I’ll give you …
Written by Chelsea Rider – Reference Librarian, Cedar Falls Public Library I am not a “crafty” person. I have interest (and a shelf full of …
Creativebug daily practices provide an opportunity to build community in the virtual environment. The library programs are sustained through a month-long period, which allows participants …
by Sarah Kuntz Jones, Adult Programming Coordinator, St. Louis County Library Patrons often ask for beginning painting or drawing classes, but with the limitations of …
by Sarah Kuntz Jones, Adult Programming Coordinator, St. Louis County Library Craft programs are always a hit with public library patrons, but coming up with …