“I love to knit, but I only have a couple of hours once or twice a week where I can sit down and knit. It’s …
Knit For Defense
Animation ain’t all bunnies and robots ya know. Knit For Defense premieres at the Smithsonian in DC July 20th. You may knit for the shear joy …

How do you find time for your creative bug?
“There’s no perfect time to make art. You can’t wait for some perfect time, you just have to make it in all the in between …

Just wrapped a week of filming with Anna Maria Horner in Nashville
Anna Maria posted details on her recent shoot with our crew on her blog.

On location: Fort Funston with Alix Blüh
In Northern California, we often take for granted settings like this which are just a few mins. away by car. For our fabulous cameraman, Pierre, …

Missing Kelly
We’re missing Kelly, our editorial director who’s been traveling for the past 2 weeks filming workshops. Her smile brightens up every room, so to make …

Hello! Lucky in the Studio
We had the pleasure of filming workshops with Sabrina and Eunice of Hello!Lucky over the past few days. They are so warm and friendly and …
"Slow Yarn" featuring Jill Draper, Cal Patch and Paula Kucera
When we were up in the Hudson Valley filming and selfishly hanging out with Jill and Cal, we had the opportunity to get some footage …
Welcome Diana Fayt!
We’re so excited to announce the release of two workshops by ceramic artist, Diana Fayt! Learn Mishima, an inlay technique she uses for some of …