Tracey-Renee Hubbard is the founder and designer of Scotchbonnet!, a vibrant line of handmade jewelry and accessories. Today is the launch of her 2nd Creativebug class, Jewelry Design with Scotchbonnet!: Working with Fabric. Find out from Tracey-Renee why this is the perfect project to begin in the new year.

I love the excitement that comes with the beginning of the new year! I’m not big on resolutions, but I do enjoy taking the month of January to get organized, to declutter and to make room for exciting new things to come into my life.
One of the most daunting places to tackle is my work studio. I run an accessories brand called SCOTCHBONNET! and things get hectic during the holiday sales season. Complicating matters further is the fact that my work studio also houses all my crafting supplies that I use for my personal projects. By the time January rolls around things are a big mess.
During my “studio purge” I make three piles: donations, toss/recycle and salvage. The salvage pile is filled with fabric scraps that are perfect for making scrunchies, headbands or necklaces. I usually make a few to keep for myself and plenty more to give as gifts throughout the year.
In my course “Jewelry Design with SCOTCHBONNET!- Working with Fabric,” I invite you to join me and learn to transform your fabric scraps into cute accessories!