When I visited my in-laws in Ireland recently, my husband and I wended our way through Wicklow one afternoon, along eensy roads and ancient cemeteries. …

Yarn Bombing – SF Style
I spotted this while walking through the Mission on Sunday. Apparently, the tree was rooting for a local sports team.

How do you find time for your creative bug? | Reaction to modern life – sit down and make something
When you have the chance to take a moment to breathe and sit down and make something from beginning to end by scratch I feel …
How do you find time for your creative bug? | The benefit of starting and finishing
“I love to knit, but I only have a couple of hours once or twice a week where I can sit down and knit. It’s …
How do you find time for your creative bug? | The benefit of starting and finishing
“I love to knit, but I only have a couple of hours once or twice a week where I can sit down and knit. It’s …
Knit For Defense
Animation ain’t all bunnies and robots ya know. Knit For Defense premieres at the Smithsonian in DC July 20th. You may knit for the shear joy …