As a bookmaker, I love a reason to make a special kind of book and Valentine’s Day presents a truly irresistible motif: a heart. These …
Make Heart-Shaped Mini Books for Valentine’s Day

Creativebug – Craft Classes & Workshops – What will you make today?
Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. Learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print, and more.
As a bookmaker, I love a reason to make a special kind of book and Valentine’s Day presents a truly irresistible motif: a heart. These …
with Abby & Violet Houston Violet and I are thrilled to share some hands-on ideas for getting little bursts of creative engagement into your daily …
Frida Kahlo’s birthday is July 6, 1907. We’re celebrating her with this woven paper tote bag printable inspired by woven plastic bags found in Mexican …
For Pride Month, I painted one of the brightest paintings I think I’ve ever done. These pinwheels are so fun and can be customized with …
For Mental Health Month, here is a feel-good craft that makes a great gift. It is a combination of Greek worry beads (the OG fidget …
Happy Lunar New Year! 2023 is the year of the Water Rabbit, predicting a gentler year of peace, patience, and hope. Celebrate by making a …
It’s no secret why everyone loves Hanukkah. You have eight days of yummy fried food, time together with family, and if you live in my …
If you feel short on time but still want to add the magic of handmade to your holiday, think small! Just because a gift is …
You can turn your Thanksgiving meal into a memorable event by creating special, handmade touches for your tablescape and decor. We rounded up 15 of …