Yellow Couch Interview with Willo O’Brien of

Our talented and inspiring friend Willo O’Brien of stopped by the Creativebug offices this week. We just couldn’t pass up the chance to ask her a few questions on our favorite Yellow Couch.

What’s your favorite children’s book?
The Giving Tree still holds a dear place in my heart. However recently I read Zen Shorts and just loved it… the watercolor illustrations are beautiful, too!

What’s object do you treasure the most?
My heart. Does that count? It was the first thing that came to mind. I couldn’t do without it, in more ways than one!

When it’s raining, what’s the perfect day you imagine for yourself?
Waking up slowly to the sound of raindrops. Making a cup of tea and snuggling my kitty; putting on some music, lighting a candle and writing, morning pages style, for awhile.

Once I was ready for a break, I’d slip into my yoga clothes & put a yoga video on, or simply stretch into my body with the moves I have in my head. After that I would shower and get ready… then leisurely make lunch and eat it while checking Instagram. Afterwards, I may continue reading leisurely (on my iPad) for a bit before cleaning up around my house; probably making a phone call to my Mom or a close friend to say hello.

The afternoon would be spent reading on the couch snuggled up with my kitty, or spending more time writing or working on a creative project. Getting lost in a creative flow for a few hours until my body felt hungry or ready to move again. If I could talk a friend into facing the rain, I’d have someone over for dinner, wine and conversation on my cozy couch.

I feel lucky to say I do actually fill my days like this quite often. I’m all about Creative Sustainability! 🙂

What’s the weirdest job you’ve had?
Selling party boat tickets in office buildings in downtown LA. I was 20. 🙂

What’s your favorite crafting tool?
Paintbrush(es); mostly watercolor these days.

Have a favorite Blog or Blogger?
Alexandra Franzen and Jen Louden come to mind.

Thanks for having me over for a visit, Jeanne & CB team!